Next Level Leadership

Celebrate Your Finish Line Moments




the performance of your organization


your performance leadership skills


your team and organization


Reaching your next level begins with understanding and harnessing your strengths. That’s why we deeply integrate Gallup Clifton Strengths Finder into our coaching methodology, corporate facilitation, and leadership development.

Strengths, Not Weaknesses

We focus on your natural talents, not your weaknesses, to help you shine.

Go Deeper

We don’t stop at surface-level strengths. We dig deep into what makes you exceptional.

Leadership and Teamwork

We guide you on applying your strengths to become a great leader and build amazing teams.

Boost Wellbeing

Understand your strengths to boost your happiness and resilience at work.

Empathy and Kindness

Understanding your strengths brings more patience and empathy into your life.

You're One in a Billion

There’s no one quite like you. Our process celebrates your unique qualities.

Better You, Better Everything

Discovering your strengths makes you not only a better leader but also a fantastic colleague, parent, and partner.

Backed by Research

Our approach is all about proven methods, not hacks or quick fixes.

Success Stories:

Our Client’s Finish Line Moments

Meet Gretchen

Gretchen Schoenstein

Founder and CEO, Finish Line Moments

As an active half marathon runner with over 120 races under my feet, I am tenacious and see things through to the end. I bring this drive for goal setting, accountability, motivation, and fun to everything I do.

Whether speaking to audiences globally, guiding my clients through change management transformation, providing leadership and communication coaching, or facilitating best practices and synergy within a Board of Directors, my heart is in every moment of growth and transformation, helping individuals and organizations reach new heights.

I hold a profound belief in engaging with my clients in the most supportive ways to help them realize their significant and minor breakthroughs. I am not just a coach; I’m a partner on your journey toward realizing your full potential, celebrating your unique strengths, and achieving your Finish Line Moments.

Inspiring Collaborations and Clients

In the Media

Inspiring Stories and Achievements

Mar 27, 2024 | KATU News 

Everyday Heroes: 2 Halfs, 2 Coasts, 2 Days


March 20, 2024 | KGW News

Seattle woman runs two half marathons on two coasts


July 16, 2023 |  Fox News San Francisco

Race Interview with Gretchen Schoenstein - 19th Annual Half Marathon in Sonoma


March 16, 2024 | Get Up DC

Interview with Gretchen Schoenstein - DC’s Rock ‘N’ Roll Half Marathon