Leadership and Talent Development

Unlock your leadership potential and elevate your talent with a strengths-based approach that transforms challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

Over 40% of all Fortune 500 companies utilize coaches to unleash potential, and the demand is growing year after year.

The Power of Strength-Based Development: By the Numbers

Harnessing strengths for yourself or your organization can significantly enhance your quality of life and work engagement. Your strengths make you one in 333 billion. Discovering and deploying these strengths with intention can transform how you lead, collaborate, and live. 

Here’s what the data shows:


Greater productivity when teams focus on strengths

More engaged in their jobs

More likely to report an excellent quality of life when focusing on strengths


From the starting line of your leadership journey to the pivotal milestones and the finish line moments of executive achievement, our coaching services are crafted to support you at every stage. 

By embracing a strengths-based approach, we not only unlock the potential within leaders at all levels but also celebrate each victory along the way. Together, we’ll navigate your path to leadership excellence, ensuring you’re equipped with the strategies, tools, and insights needed to cross your next finish line with confidence and inspire those you lead to do the same.

Emerging Leaders:

Laying the Foundation

For those at the start of their leadership path, our coaching focuses on key areas to unlock potential:

  • Young Leader Development: Tailoring coaching to nurture emerging talents
  • Communication Coaching: Mastering impactful communication and active listening as superpowers
  • Leadership and Teamwork: Identifying and developing High-Potential Individuals (HIPOs) and fostering effective teamwork
  • Public Speaking: Leveraging your personal story to influence and inspire

Rising Leaders:

Encouraging Pivotal Growth

Elevating rising leaders through targeted development and engagement strategies:

  • Management Coaching: Transition and transform your management skills for new and existing managers
  • Employee Engagement: Boost engagement and define your career trajectory
  • Purpose and Public Speaking: Clarify your legacy and purpose, enhancing leadership presence through public speaking

C-Suite Leaders:

Achieving Mastery

For top executives and seasoned leaders aiming for legacy, purpose, and peak performance:

  • Executive and Leadership Coaching: Tailored strategies for senior-level challenges and opportunities
  • Succession Planning and Career Transition: Navigating significant transitions with confidence
  • Wellbeing and Burnout Prevention: Strategies for sustaining long-term success and resilience

Teams and Organizations:

Elevating Group Dynamics

Comprehensive solutions for teams and organizations seeking to enhance collaboration, communication, and culture. Align your teams with their shared goals, foster a strengths-based organizational culture, and facilitate transformative change from the inside out. 

Here’s how we can elevate your organization:

  • Team Coaching: Strengthening team dynamics and enhancing performance through shared understanding and leveraging collective strengths.
  • Organizational Facilitation: Customized workshops and retreats focused on strategic alignment, leadership development, and building high-performing teams.
  • Culture Transformation: Creating a sustainable, strengths-based culture that supports ongoing growth, innovation, and engagement across all levels of the organization.

Inspiring Collaborations and Clients

Meet Gretchen

Gretchen Schoenstein

Founder and CEO, Finish Line Moments

With over two decades of experience in leadership and talent development, I’m dedicated to helping leaders like you achieve their fullest potential through a strengths-based approach. My journey through personal and professional challenges has taught me the power of resilience and the value of having a coach who genuinely understands the journey. 

Whether you’re seeking to enhance your leadership skills, inspire your team, or navigate your path of personal and professional development, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Learn more about my journey and how I can help you cross your next finish line.

“Awareness creates choice. Practice creates capacity.”

Amanda Black, Author Your Body is Your Brain

Finish Line Moments Coaching Philosophy and Methodology

We empower individuals, teams and organizations to create their own finish-line moments—achieving unprecedented levels of collaboration, effectiveness, and engagement. Join us in building a future where every member of your organization is aligned with and contributing to your collective success.

Ready to Transform Your Leadership Development?

Embark on a journey of growth and achievement. Connect with us to discover how we can unlock your leadership potential together.